What the fro? – an interview with Frogirlginny


Meet Ginny. If you haven’t been living under a rock you’ll know a couple weeks ago was the #HappyFrodayBrunch. Where women of different ages, curl patterns and ethnicities came together all in appreciation of their Fro’s. And it was a a huge success. So I wondered for such a young woman where did she get the inspiration for such an event?  So we met up and i got the chance to ask.


Tell us about the birth of “Happy Froday”?

I saw a picture on a blog on tumblr and it had 3 women dressed in African print and I wondered why they were getting together in a park, or why they were even just looking so amazing. So I invisioned a place in London where women came together in a park. At the time I was also studying media and I was really passionate about natural hair (and still am) so I wanted to do a documentary about it and thought why not use my blog and the followers I had to bring people together.

So on the day, it was really not fancy compared to what it is today, there were no sponsors it was just really raw and everything was out of passion, because it was women coming together and taking all these back of the fro photos which are circulating everywhere! And it was just a time for women to connect and share their journey because in the natural hair industry I feel there so much pressure, and I wanted a place where women who aren’t bloggers and women who are, are able to connect and share their journeys and realise as women we need to come together.

How seriously do you take your role as FroGirl?

It’s really hard being young, I mean I don’t feel young but sometimes there are times I’m given the opportunity to be a teenager and in the back of my mind I used to put FroGirl first. But as I’ve got older I’ve learnt to balance the two. Sometimes I will choose Ginny over FroGirl. Sometimes FroGirl over Ginny. I’m not saying Fro girl and Ginny are two different people but they both have different lifestyles. Like FroGirl there’s always this expectation for me to consistent, especially now it’s turns into a business. And it’s quite hard to be a teenager as well. Sometimes I have to shut off amy teen life and just be a business woman. Especially because I’m doing it by myself. And I’ve had to get advice from google or just do it through trial and error. And trial and error hasn’t always worked because I’ve been used or it’s not benificial and I’ve had to stick up for myself.

If you could speak to you before your big chop what would you say?

I would say “yassss boo” (laughs). No I’ve had two so I would have said after the first one don’t worry don’t cry your still cute, it’s ok, don’t worry about the acne don’t worry about it all just know in a few years your Instagram photos will be popping. My second big chop I would have taken more photos, and documented it more because it was just a liberating moment and I felt such a connection to my grandma who I was named after who has a fro. And I had such a connection to her because she expressed her individuality especially because she was from Africa living in the UK, and it made me feel closer to my roots.

Explain your rise to fro fame and any hardships you’ve been through?

From my perspective I don’t see myself in that way, I still see myself like a normal teenager and still do normal teenage things that a teenager does and have fun. As much as I do have a lot of followers I wouldn’t describe myself as famous. I have had a few times even in America where I’ve been stopped to take pictures and stuff like that but I just use my followers to share a positive message. But the rise to it has been fun because I’ve been able to meet so many amazing people even the person writing this amazing blog ChloMoney (honestly she said this not me), me and her wouldn’t have connected if it wasn’t for the Internet and I feel it’s been a blessing in disguise.

In terms of hardships I have met a few people who don’t have the best intentions for me they see a lot of followers and that as a chance for them to shine and as much as I want to support all my girls and the people around me sometimes there are users and you have to be careful in who you trust and who you confide in.

How did you get to where you are now?

I would say I remained positive at all times and I was really creative with my photography. So just making sure my photos were unique and cool which engage with a large amount of people. I would definitely say being consistent. I was always writing articles like 3 times a week. But now I like to post more deep pieces so quality over quantity. It defiantly required connecting with people the more we come together the stronger the force. The more of the message we can send out. I met with loads of people with a message, people like bloggers. It was a lot of collaborating which has also helped me. I went to events and just was really friendly with others.

What would you tell the girls/women aspiring to be like you?

Be confident. Be who you are. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Because you may start your journey at the same time as someone else but your journey itself will never be the same and your blessings are always different. Embrace your crown because we all are given different crowns and each has its own way of shining its own light.

Comparison ruins a person, i have a favourite quote which is

 a flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms

What do you hope to achieve in the future with happy fro day?

Taking it all around the world to as many places as it can can go hopefully and just collaborating with many women and many brands.

What’s an average wash day like?

Wash day isn’t really washday for me. I dedicate say four hours to my wash day but even that is just washing. What takes up the most time defusing which is why I’m trying to air dry more. Especially where it’s getting a lot colder . An average wash day or wash hours for me is: washing with a cleansing cream, massaging my scalp, detangling with my fingers with my favourite Tresseme naturals conditioner, styling with a leave in on fully wet hair whilst in the shower, i absolutely hate it when my hair is dripping in water down my back so i put the leave in then i clip my hair up and can do what i need to do. And then when thats done. I take out the clip, put in a styling cream by Deva curl or a gel. Recently I’ve been using a product called Skimdo and they’ve just launched. Its really new and jelly like and it defines my curls! I usually stick to 3 prodcuts like Tresseme, Deva curl and Skimdo but i defiantly deserve a trophy for being a product junkie!

How long will it take me to get a fro your size – Charlotte @thestylum

My hair at one point was really small and flat but not a lot of people would even believe that. Over time, when i used to invest so much time trying to define my curls thats when it was flat but when i let my hair be free and it bounced. I wash my hair less then I use to, so I wash my hair now once or twice a week and i have stopped using a pick! And for some reason i keep forgetting it anyway like subconscienly because it was really drying out the back of my hair and making it less defined. So now i just use my fingers and massage my scalp, and then lll just flip my head upside down and ill use my fingers now as my pick!

What’s the best hair mask for volume? – Hani @makeupbyhanns

Hair mask, i don’t use hair masks, I’m a really lazy natural i don’t believe in spending your whole life doing things because your hair is your hair. Its going to do what it wants if you invest so much time trying to make it perfect. What is perfect? Just love your curls for what they are.

I do deep condition and i do that in the shower, with the steam … singing my heart away. Then ill rinse it. But when i used to do it too much i found my hair was really dry

Do you use any styling products/ what kind of conditioners -Hibak @Hibak_m

Girl if i didn’t use styling products i don’t know what would happen to this fro! I use deva curl range (styling cream and gel) and the skidoo range i mentioned before.

Conditioners – tresseme naturals and the deva curl conditioner. I promise you guys I’m not being sponsored by deva curl i just really like their products! I went to america recently and they gave me the whole set so I’ve had the chance to try those!

Im currently looking in my product drawer and I’m next to try as Chloe calls it ORS line (i say ORS like one word you see and Ginny insist its O.R.S blah!), the design essentials line aswell, theres a deep moisture milk here that looks cool. Another deep conditioner i love is the Decacurl heaven and hair andddd those are my favourite products

Did you find this useful? Do you feel like you know Ginny more?

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